How you, your home and your pets can stay cool in this summer’s heat waves | Unpublished
Source Feed: The Globe and Mail
Author: Samantha Edwards
Publication Date: June 17, 2024 - 11:55

How you, your home and your pets can stay cool in this summer’s heat waves

June 17, 2024
This week, a heat dome that transforms cities into convection ovens is pushing into Canada, starting in Ontario and then moving on to Quebec and the Maritimes. Environment Canada is forecasting scorching temperatures that could feel like 45 C in parts of Ontario, issuing a heat warning for the area that spans London to Ottawa, stretching up to Sault Ste. Marie and as far north as Fort Albany.The Greater Toronto Area and other southern parts of the province will see temperatures soar to 35 C starting Monday, with humidity making it feel more like 40 to 45 C.

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