Hour 2 of Ottawa Now for Wed. May 29th, 2024 | Unpublished
Source Feed: CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Publication Date: May 29, 2024 - 18:01

Hour 2 of Ottawa Now for Wed. May 29th, 2024

May 29, 2024
Last month, a massive Toronto-based school board launched a hefty lawsuit against a slew of social media giants, alleging that the mental health of today’s students is at risk. Today, a handful of other school boards joined the litigation party, including Ottawa’s Catholic School Board. Kristy Cameron gets instant reaction from Emma Duerden, an Assistant Professor in Neuroscience and Learning Disabilities at Western University. Plus, speculation was running rampant on Tuesday that Ontario’s Premier would be tempted to call a provincial election well before the 2026 due date. Today, Doug Ford slammed the door shut on that theory. You’ll hear parts of Ford’s conversation with Bill Carroll in Hour 2.

Unpublished Newswire

RCMP say Canada Day celebrations led to tragedy in a small northern Alberta community.
July 2, 2024 - 08:26 | | Global News - Canada
B.C. will look at changing its building code to allow small apartments to be built with a single stair, adding to its reputation as the province most willing to try new ideas to create more housing supply, though the move is also drawing safety-related concerns.Canada’s building code, which provinces have generally gone along with, has required two staircases per apartment building since 1941. But B.C.’s Ministry of Housing last week published a research report outlining the optimal conditions for single staircases.
July 2, 2024 - 08:00 | Frances Bula | The Globe and Mail