Hour 3 of Ottawa Now for Wed. May 29th, 2024 | Unpublished
Source Feed: CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Publication Date: May 29, 2024 - 18:02

Hour 3 of Ottawa Now for Wed. May 29th, 2024

May 29, 2024
If Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives claim victory in July’s U.K. election, all 18-year-old citizens will have to complete 12 months of national service, whether it be military or civilian. This plan is slated to cost 2.5 billion British Pounds. Given Canada’s ties to the British Monarchy, this conversation has been picking up steam throughout Canadian media. Should young Canadians have to perform a year of military service, whether it be mandatory or voluntary? Earlier in today’s program, Kristy Cameron spoke to Jennifer Cole, a Vancouver-based freelance writer who delivered her two cents in a recent Toronto Star op-ed. In Hour 3, we open up the CFRA textboard, as we tackle today’s Question of the Day. Meantime, our country’s Privacy Czar is sounding the alarm on an upcoming Senate bill. This legislation is designed to block minors from ‘sexually explicit material’ across a variety of online platforms. However, some fear that this law is far too broad, and could negatively impact streaming services in the process.

Unpublished Newswire

RCMP say Canada Day celebrations led to tragedy in a small northern Alberta community.
July 2, 2024 - 08:26 | | Global News - Canada
B.C. will look at changing its building code to allow small apartments to be built with a single stair, adding to its reputation as the province most willing to try new ideas to create more housing supply, though the move is also drawing safety-related concerns.Canada’s building code, which provinces have generally gone along with, has required two staircases per apartment building since 1941. But B.C.’s Ministry of Housing last week published a research report outlining the optimal conditions for single staircases.
July 2, 2024 - 08:00 | Frances Bula | The Globe and Mail