Weekly Quiz: Cod Fisheries, Private Health Care, and Algorithm-Led Art | Unpublished
Source Feed: Walrus
Author: Sophie Siew
Publication Date: September 21, 2024 - 06:00

Weekly Quiz: Cod Fisheries, Private Health Care, and Algorithm-Led Art

September 21, 2024
1 2 const title = "Cod Fisheries, Private Health Care, and Algorithm-Led Art"; const date = "September 21, 2024"; const data = [ { image: "https://walrus-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/img/WAL_Web-Cod_Sep24-001.jpg", title: "Will Reviving the Cod Industry Doom It Yet Again?", url: "https://thewalrus.ca/will-reviving-the-cod-fishery-doom-the-industry-yet-again/", question: "After the federal government closed Newfoundland and Labrador’s northern cod fishery in 1992, the province diversified into other areas for growth. Which industries experienced a boom after the moratorium?", options: [ "Agriculture, mining, and forestry", "Tech, hospitality, and film and television", "Waste management, renewable energy, and transportation", "Construction, textile manufacturing, and housing", ], answer: "Tech, hospitality, and film and television", correct: "Newfoundland and Labrador is now home to a $1.6 billion tech industry, a film and television industry bringing in nearly $100 million a year, and fishing communities like Bonavista, Port Rexton, and Fogo Island were reinvented as sites of fine dining, craft breweries, art festivals, and luxury accommodation.", incorrect: "Newfoundland and Labrador is now home to a $1.6 billion tech industry, a film and television industry bringing in nearly $100 million a year, and fishing communities like Bonavista, Port Rexton, and Fogo Island were reinvented as sites of fine dining, craft breweries, art festivals, and luxury accommodation.", }, { image: "https://walrus-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/img/Poilievre_Bennett_Healthcare_1200.jpg", title: "Poilievre Won’t Talk about Private Health Care—but He Should", url: "https://thewalrus.ca/poilievre-health-care/", question: "Canada’s private health care market is a sector that’s experiencing consistent growth. What percentage of the country’s total health dollars was spent on private care in 2023?", options: [ "9 percent", "19 percent", "29 percent", "39 percent", ], answer: "29 percent", correct: "All the evidence suggests that, under a Poilievre government, the private health care market—which, according to some estimates, accounted for about 29 percent of all health dollars spent in this country in 2023—will flourish, at least by Canadian standards.", incorrect: "All the evidence suggests that, under a Poilievre government, the private health care market—which, according to some estimates, accounted for about 29 percent of all health dollars spent in this country in 2023—will flourish, at least by Canadian standards.", }, { image: "https://walrus-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/img/h-heyerlein-ndja2LJ4IcM-unsplash-scaled.jpg", title: "The Collapse of Self-Worth in the Digital Age", url: "https://thewalrus.ca/collapse-of-self-worth-in-the-digital-age/", question: "When art transitions from creation to commerce, its value is often influenced by external factors. According to author Thea Lim, how does the market impact the intrinsic value of art?", options: [ "Art is further enhanced and celebrated", "Art becomes more valuable due to demand", "Art is emptied out and reduced to relational worth", "Art remains unchanged, regardless of the market", ], answer: "Art is emptied out and reduced to relational worth", correct: "The end point for the working artist is to create an object for sale. Once the art object enters the market, art’s intrinsic value is emptied out, compacted by the market’s logic of ranking, until there’s only relational worth, no interior worth.", incorrect: "The end point for the working artist is to create an object for sale. Once the art object enters the market, art’s intrinsic value is emptied out, compacted by the market’s logic of ranking, until there’s only relational worth, no interior worth.", }, { image: "https://walrus-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/img/Wilt_WinnipegPolice-1800.jpg", title: "The Winnipeg Police Service Is Booming—Despite Blatant Failures", url: "https://thewalrus.ca/the-winnipeg-police-service-is-booming-despite-blatant-failures/", question: "A 2021 survey conducted by the Southern Chiefs’ Organization revealed significant concerns about the relationship between Indigenous communities and the police in Manitoba. What percentage of respondents reported that they have actively avoided seeking help from police?", options: [ "66 percent", "69 percent", "73 percent", "81 percent", ], answer: "66 percent", correct: "Racist discrimination has resulted in severe distrust and avoidance of interaction with the Winnipeg Police Service. A 2021 survey by the Southern Chiefs’ Organization found that “more than sixty-six per cent of respondents reported that they have actively avoided seeking help from police in Manitoba due to the effects of racism.” Interviews with Indigenous women in Lord Selkirk Park, a North End public housing complex, found that “they rarely report anything to the police,” as “they do not trust the police and see them as an alien force.”", incorrect: "Racist discrimination has resulted in severe distrust and avoidance of interaction with the Winnipeg Police Service. A 2021 survey by the Southern Chiefs’ Organization found that “more than sixty-six per cent of respondents reported that they have actively avoided seeking help from police in Manitoba due to the effects of racism.” Interviews with Indigenous women in Lord Selkirk Park, a North End public housing complex, found that “they rarely report anything to the police,” as “they do not trust the police and see them as an alien force.”", }, ]; The post Weekly Quiz: Cod Fisheries, Private Health Care, and Algorithm-Led Art first appeared on The Walrus.

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