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Unpublished Newswire

Nigel Gambier has always been proud of his ancestor, who captained one of the ill-starred ships on Sir John Franklin's disastrous expedition in search of the Northwest Passage.
September 26, 2024 - 07:22 | The Associated Press | CTV News - Canada
Good morning. Iran has taken a calculated stand so far in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict – more on that below, along with Ontario’s big plan for an even bigger tunnel and TikTok’s new restaurant critics. But first:Today’s headlinesThe Liberals survive a non-confidence vote as the Conservative motion fails 211-120Ottawa will host a meeting on the return of abducted Ukrainian children and further prisoner exchanges in the Russian warNew findings on diabetic limb loss highlight a heavy, and preventable, burden on First Nations
September 26, 2024 - 07:06 | Danielle Groen | The Globe and Mail
Statistics Canada reports that as of 2020-21, there were 3.7 million Canadians living with diabetes — almost 10 per cent of the population
September 26, 2024 - 07:00 | Stewart Lewis | National Post
// custom header art window.tgam.meta.photo_desktop = "https://www.theglobeandmail.com/resizer/v2/WJ6BJYDFTJGXXKIQLQJ3TDJ6MM.jpg?auth=8ef55bb9db7881592cb20a8ec50bd4e12f176d6a52e443fb6d2ed0b1babab473&width=1300&quality=80"; window.tgam.meta.photo_mobile = "https://www.theglobeandmail.com/resizer/v2/WJ6BJYDFTJGXXKIQLQJ3TDJ6MM.jpg?auth=8ef55bb9db7881592cb20a8ec50bd4e12f176d6a52e443fb6d2ed0b1babab473&width=1300&quality=80"; window.tgam.meta.video = ""; window.tgam.meta.caption = "James Gott, 75, lost his lower legs to complications from diabetes, which, if left...
September 26, 2024 - 07:00 | Patrick White | The Globe and Mail
On June 3, 2007, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake rocked China’s Yunnan province. The quake killed three, injured hundreds, and left behind property damage worth billions of yuan. It was a tragic setback for Yunnan’s largely rural counties that had been enjoying an economic boom as the seat of China’s pu-erh tea industry. For the preceding decade, sales in pu-erh tea had surged, and those sales were about to be scrutinized. When news of the earthquake reached Guangzhou’s Fangcun tea market—one of the largest in China and almost a quasi–stock market for the tea trade—...
September 26, 2024 - 06:30 | Amir Aziz | Walrus
In the late 1980s, I was an editor for the Plant, the student newspaper at Dawson College, in Montreal. The operation was small but drew the devotion of a squad of young journalists and photographers—most of whom made the job the biggest thing in their lives. Then, as now, the role required tech. Not a laptop or a cellphone: an Exacto knife. That’s because we produced our stories by gluing them onto a board. It was called paste-up. You stood in front of an easel, cut the type up into strips, rearranged it into columns on a grid. Every week, we crammed into a tiny office and put out...
September 26, 2024 - 06:30 | Carmine Starnino | Walrus