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Unpublished Newswire

Requests for youth protection services have spiked by 114 per cent in the last 10 years according to Linda See at the Batshaw Youth and Family Centre.
June 18, 2024 - 17:43 | Timothy Sargeant | Global News - Canada
Celia Robbins was asked by her 14-year-old daughter if she had any regrets in life. Not wanting to get too deep into her past life choices, the Berlin woman said she opted against purchasing a knitted sweater during a trip to Iceland. She shared this regret on social media…and then something incredible happened. A man named Dave Wiskus, who is the CEO of NYC-based Nebula, had the sweater and offered it to her. You’ll hear that heartwarming story in Hour 3. But first, it’s time to tackle today’s Question of the Day!
June 18, 2024 - 17:41 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Educational advocates and health experts fear that Ontario’s students are in the crosshairs of heat-related health risks, as a ‘heat dome’ pounds the province. With students having little access to A.C. units, Ottawa resident John Gomes isn’t taking any chances, as he keeps his 3 kids at home. That conversation with Andrew Pinsent is coming up in Hour 2. As for our city’s homeless population, the unrelenting heat is also putting them in harms way. Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley explains further. Plus, as Ottawa City Council prepares to adopt a three-item garbage limit, one Downtown...
June 18, 2024 - 17:40 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Andrew Pinsent is filling in for Kristy Cameron this afternoon. At last week’s Transit Commission meeting, we uncovered an interesting nugget about the federal government’s mandatory in-person models. Effective this Fall, public servants would be required to report to their workstation 3 times per week. In turn, this plan could help rescue OC Transpo from its budgetary woes, as it would generate an additional 2.7 million trips per year. River Ward councillor Riley Brockington joins the show in Hour 1. Plus, Ottawa’s Mayor feels confident that Lansdowne’s new arena will be big enough to...
June 18, 2024 - 17:35 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
It was 34 C in the shade Tuesday afternoon, but Tyler Wohl wasn’t sweating. Read More
June 18, 2024 - 17:31 | Ken Warren | Ottawa Citizen
The alleged suspects were caught after the stolen car collided with another vehicle resulting in short and successful foot pursuit by police
June 18, 2024 - 17:30 | National Post Staff | National Post