| Page 635 | Unpublished

Unpublished Newswire

Ten supervised drug consumption sites in Ontario are being forced to close, including one just west of downtown Ottawa. For some people in Ottawa who've used drugs now and in the past, the decision has them worried about their own safety.
August 29, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
A city committee has decided to launch legal proceedings against a progressive advocacy group for alleged breaches of campaign finance law during the last municipal election.
August 29, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
Public transit users in Gatineau, Que., could soon see improvements to their local bus service, but it's going to cost them.
August 29, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
From magnetic locking pouches and blocked Wi-Fi access to outright bans and legislation, schools around the world are waging war on cellphone use. But as Canadian schools implement their own policies, experts say the research on whether the bans are effective is spotty.
August 29, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
The City of Montreal has called the Maison Benoît Labre shelter a failed example of cohabitation. But others are making it work. Advocates say there's no silver bullet to solving the issue, but there are ways to foster conditions for peaceful integration of resources.
August 29, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Canada
Canada needs more clean power to meet demand as we electrify everything and aim for net-zero emissions to fight climate change. Many Canadians want to install rooftop solar to help — but while that can save them money, they can't actually get paid for generating more than they use.
August 29, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Canada