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Unpublished Newswire

We are starting to see an uptick in rat infestations, and these problems have turned into a horrific nightmare for Ottawa homeowner Kyla White. She joins us in Hour 2. Meantime, we have entered Day 6 of the Loblaws boycott, and smaller grocers are starting to profit from the big grocer’s lost business. Plus, Canada Post is charging more dollars for mail stamps, marking its third price increase since 2019.
May 6, 2024 - 18:01 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
If you are noticing an uptick in fraudulent texts, you are not imagining things. In fact, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre admits that this problem is getting worse. Cybersecurity analyst Ritesh Kotak joins Kristy Cameron in Hour 1. Plus, we are receiving tragic breaking news this afternoon, as Thursday’s teenage stabbing victim in Nepean has died. CTV’s Katie Griffin has the latest developments.
May 6, 2024 - 18:00 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
To kickstart Hour 4, we replay an earlier conversation from today's program, as Chris Holski goes 1-on-1 with PWHL Ottawa head coach Carla MacLeod. It's an important weekend for the franchise, who can clinch a playoff spot with a regulation win against Toronto. Later in the show, we get an update on a trio of RCMP arrests, as the looming justice for Hardeep Singh Nijjar reaches one step closer. Plus, did you hear the story about the Ontario city that disappeared? Find out more during Free Comic Book Day!
May 3, 2024 - 19:15 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
It's a big weekend for PWHL Ottawa's post-season aspirations. All they have to do to make the playoffs is win their Season Finale against Toronto. If they don't, they will need some help from Montreal, who is slated to play Boston in their final match. PWHL Ottawa head coach Carla MacLeod talks about the pregame vibes, and the big leadup to tomorrow's showdown. Meantime, Griff's Gang will be taking part in the 5K Walk at Sunday's CN Cycle for CHEO. CTV's Matt Skube previews Griff Bell's story. Later in Hour 2, we also hear from CHEO Foundation President and CEO Steve Read. And finally,...
May 3, 2024 - 18:38 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Is our free speech under attack? Chris Holski, filling in for Kristy Cameron, asked the experts in Hour 2. To start off Hour 3, he sifts through your comments and tackles today's Question of the Day. Meantime, a new survey says that Canadians aren't as compassionate as we claim to be. Those findings will be revealed later in the program. Plus, are you financially hurting your retired parents when dipping your toes into the family bank account?
May 3, 2024 - 18:37 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Chris Holski is filling in for Kristy today. According to a new survey, 57 percent of people believe that our free speech could soon be compromised. That brings us to today's Question of the Day: Is our freedom of speech in a vulnerable position? Dropping by the Hal Anthony studios to discuss this issue is Jim Turk. He is the Director of the Centre for Free Expression at Toronto's Metropolitan University. Also, new data shows that 7 out of 10 working moms worry about losing flexibility at work. We dissect those numbers with Sandra Lavoy, the Regional Director of Robert Half Ottawa.
May 3, 2024 - 15:22 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa