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Unpublished Newswire

Advocates for both workers and employers are unimpressed with the Liberal government’s changes to the temporary foreign worker program.
August 27, 2024 - 18:29 | | CBC News - Ottawa
Nearly 10 months after the SHA introduced the Saskatoon Capacity Action Plan, nurses at St. Paul's Hospital in Saskatoon say they continue to see major issues.
August 27, 2024 - 18:27 | Andrew Benson | Global News - Canada
15 years ago, one of the world’s most popular bands took a break from touring, let alone recording new music. Many people expected the Oasis hiatus to be an everlasting one, as a brotherly beef turned things upside down. Today, the feud is over, the band is back together, and a U.K. tour is being scheduled as we speak. Will this comeback be one for the ages, or will it end in a musical tragedy? Text into the show and let us know. Plus, we deliver the latest breaking news, right here on CFRA’s Ottawa Now.
August 27, 2024 - 18:03 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
When was the last time an employee of a grocery store bagged your groceries? Now that customers are starting to bag their own groceries, folks on social media have noticed this upward trend, and argue that this feature isn’t what they signed up for. Kristy Cameron gathers your feedback and tackles today’s Question of the Day. Plus, changes are coming to Canada’s temporary foreign workers program. How will it impact our country’s immigration levels? That story is coming up in Hour 3.
August 27, 2024 - 18:02 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
As you might have seen first-hand, today’s vehicles come with an assortment of bells and whistles. But are these bells and whistles really what drivers want? According to the recent JD Power U.S. Tech Experience Index, not really. We dig deeper in Hour 2. Meantime, the Sexual Assault Clinic at the Ottawa Hospital’s Civic Campus has seen a spike in patients. And as we play out the final months of 2024, they anticipate to see even more patients.
August 27, 2024 - 18:01 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Have you found yourself bagging your own groceries these days? Folks on social media certainly have, and they are fueling an interesting debate. Should grocery stores employ designated baggers? Kristy Cameron chats with Mike von Massow, a food economist and a professor at the University of Guelph. Meantime, an Ottawa resident named Philip Baker is taking charge of his life and inspiring others to do the same. At 71 years of age, the former Phys-Ed coach is battling Multiple Sclerosis, and still managed to complete a tandem skydiving lesson earlier this month.
August 27, 2024 - 18:00 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa