| Page 560 | Unpublished

Unpublished Newswire

About two weeks ago, the Salvation Army Food Bank in Brant County had to temporarily close for a day after high demand at its Paris, Ont., location saw its shelves emptied.
August 23, 2024 - 04:00 | Aaron D’Andrea | Global News - Ottawa
Chelsea, Que., is considering an increase to a tax new residents pay when they move in, but councillors remain divided on the issue.
August 23, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
Canadian residents who require a visa to visit the United States currently face the longest wait times in the world, CBC News has learned.
August 23, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
CBC News obtained data from a number of library systems across the country that show security incidents in these spaces — like aggressive behaviour, verbal threats and suspected overdoses — are on the rise. Library workers say they are not equipped to manage the influx of vulnerable patrons who need help.
August 23, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Ottawa
For years, Michael Baker has been going to Path 525, Thunder Bay's only safe drug consumption site, and says it's more than just a place to "get high." Baker tells his story after Ontario announced Thunder Bay's site will be among 10 closing in the province in favour of a new hub model. Meanwhile, the operator of Path 525 says the province never shared the results of the site's review with her team.
August 23, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Canada
Canadian residents who require a visa to visit the United States currently face the longest wait times in the world, CBC News has learned.
August 23, 2024 - 04:00 | | CBC News - Canada