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Unpublished Newswire

Have you ever heard of CrowdTangle before? It’s a tool that is widely used by researchers, watchdog organizations, and journalists to monitor social media posts. More importantly, it is typically used to track how misinformation spreads on a company’s platforms. Today, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram has shut down that tool, and a lot of tech experts are up in arms. Tech analyst Carmi Levy delivers the bigger picture in Hour 1. Plus, has your attitude towards cycling changed this year? What about over the past 10 years? We dissect our city’s transportation trends!
August 15, 2024 - 18:00 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
In Hour 4, we continue to gather your reaction to Knoxdale-Merivale councillor Sean Devine's comments from the previous hour. As our city continues to deal with transit funding problems, is raising property taxes a necessity? Make your voices heard on the CFRA textboard! Plus, a new wing at a Disney theme park is paying tribute to Disney villains. Good idea, or a slippery slope for future generations?
August 14, 2024 - 18:03 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Have you ever heard of a small Canadian town in Saskatchewan called Moosomin? Would you want to live there? And if you are hesitant to join the party, would a cool $30,000 convince you to take that leap of faith? That money is all yours...if you build a house there. Kristy Cameron tackles today's Question of the Day! Plus, as you heard last week, Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe made an urgent plea to the federal and provincial governments for more transit funding. Should the city instead look inward at what they didn't do, or what they did wrong? According to one city councillor, tough...
August 14, 2024 - 18:02 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
According to a new report from the United Nations, Canada's temporary foreign workers program is a breeding ground for contemporary slavery. Joining us in Hour 2 with his two cents is Shane Martinez, a Toronto-based human rights lawyer who works with Justice 4 Migrant Workers. Meantime, does Canada need another alternative voice to modern-day politics? Well, whether you like it or not, a new political party has been approved by Elections Canada, fittingly known as the Canadian Future Party. And it won't take long before they get their feet wet, as a pair of upcoming byelections will test...
August 14, 2024 - 18:01 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
Looking to move out of the hustle-and-bustle lifestyle? Would you consider small-town Saskatchewan as your new living space? Well, a little place called Moosomin is planning to offer you $30,000 just to build a brand-new home in their community. One portion of small-town Ontario helped spark this idea last year, and this small trend appears to be slowly growing. We speak to the Mayor of Moosomin in Hour 1. Meantime, a new survey finds that post-secondary students are struggling to pay for school courses, let alone attend them. We dig deeper with Andrew Lo, who is the CEO of survey-...
August 14, 2024 - 18:00 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa
In case you missed it earlier in the broadcast, students in the Renfrew County District School Board could be without school bus transportation to start September. If no contract is in place with school bus drivers by Opening Day, the same fate will also be facing students within the Renfrew County Catholic School Board. We paint the bigger picture in Hour 4. And finally, CTV's Matt Skube drops by to discuss the Hunger Games experience for parents in Ottawa - registering online for your child's swimming lessons.
August 13, 2024 - 18:03 | | CFRA - 580 - Ottawa