Politics of Colour: Blue + Green = Aqua | Unpublished

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Mitch Brisebois's picture
Renfrew, Ontario
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Sometimes I tweet for the South March Highlands / Carp River Coalition @SouthMarch

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Politics of Colour: Blue + Green = Aqua

May 17, 2013

When I was a kid, an old dude named Robert Stanfield ran against a young Pierre Trudeau. I always thought a guy who ran an underwear factory would make a better Prime Minister than a rose-totin' lawyer. No?

It always bewilders me that sustainability causes are often judged as "leftish". Socialist. More orange than NDP - fuchsia even. We need to change the colour wheel!

A good friend once called me an enigma - not understanding my active environmentalism and my support of True Blue Tories. I'm equally bewildered why he'd think that.

Conservative Brian Mulroney was named Canada's Greenest Prime Minister - he used political influence to enact measures against Acid Rain and Ozone depletion. Not just talk ala Liberal Kyoto, but actual implementation. Perhaps that's why we don't hear much talk about acid rain these days.

Lately, I'm not so impressed by the environmental record of "my Tories". I'm also not hopeful for a green agenda from any party.

The only choice is to demand green / sustainable policies from whoever leads our town / province / country.

From what we've been seeing in Ottawa, environmental laws are overruled by developer interests.

Voices from all political parties need to be heard!