Safety Code 6 - Conflict of Interest - Royal Society of Canada | Unpublished

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Safety Code 6 - Conflict of Interest - Royal Society of Canada

June 1, 2013

This panel with its predetermined viewpoints and conflicted financial interests will oversee the most important scientific review of our time, a review that will define whether safety guidelines for radiation should be tightened and address the concerns of thousands of Canadians already reporting the effects of current exposure.

The selection of a significantly conflicted panel is unlikely to make decisions to protect Canadians. We are concerned that the results are predetermined.

Fellow Canadians,

This is a call to action.

Safety Code 6 regulates the amount of radiation from cell phones and cell towers, Wi-Fi whether in home, school or at work, smart meters, baby monitors, portable phones and other wireless devices. Safety Code 6 has not had a major update in over 40 years. China has guidelines that are 100 times safer than Canada.

As you may or may not know, Health Canada periodically reviews the RF radiation limits of Safety Code 6. As part of that review process, they submit their findings for an independent, external review. The Royal Society of Canada has been chosen for this review.

C4ST has major concerns about the makeup of the external panel the Royal Society has selected for this critical review of Safety Code 6. We have independently investigated the members selected to be appointed to the panel and have found that they are severely conflicted. As a result, their findings are likely to be pre-determined.

While the appointed panel is made up of esteemed scientists, published and academically qualified, some members have conflicting financial relationships with companies, industry associations, and lobby groups which are directly affected by the outcome of this panel review. In addition, others in some of their published material and statements demonstrate predetermined viewpoints indicating that they don’t believe evidence showing harm exists below the published safety threshold of Safety Code 6.

This panel with its predetermined viewpoints and conflicted financial interests will oversee the most important scientific review of our time, a review that will define whether safety guidelines for radiation should be tightened and address the concerns of thousands of Canadians already reporting the effects of current exposure, and the millions being exposed.

We are giving you this level of detail to underscore the urgency of meaningful reform, and to allow your voice to be heard.

It is time for you to take action!

Please go to the campaign page and read the components of the panel member biographies that were left out on Royal Society website, as well as our letters to the president of the RSC, Prime Minister Harper and to Health Minister Aglukkaq.

We ask that you use the e-mail tool we have created on the page to send an email to our responsible elected officials expressing your concern that the panel, as constructed, will not protect Canadians from the harmful effects of wireless radiation. It must be dissolved and replaced with an independent panel as per the RSC guidelines.

To make a difference,

Frank Clegg
CEO - Citizens 4 Safe Technology