Unpublished Opinions
Guy Annable is a long time resident of College ward. He was born and raised in Ottawa and operated a successful wireless communications business in Montreal for over 12 years in the 1990's, receiving 2 awards form the St. Laurent Chamber of Commerce for "Best Retail Business" in the St. Laurent region. After the 1996 Quebec referendum, Guy sold his business to Bell Mobility and moved to Toronto to work with Bell Mobility Baka for 8 years in the same Industry of cellular communications. Guy returned ot Ottawa in 2005 and has been closely involved in municipal and provincial politics. Please visit my website for more information about me and my vision for College Ward.
Why we need to raise the entry fee for municipal politics

The recent debates i have been Closely watching on Rogers TV and in the community. Have a look and tell me if you agree.
I have been paying close attention to all the ward races in the upcoming 2014 municipal election. Specifically, On Rogers television, our community television channel does an excellent job of organizing and producing 23 wards and 1 mayoral debate with over 140 candidates and incumbents in a short time frame. This election with 6 incumbents not seeking re-election in 2014 have produced 6-8-9 candidates making for a very busy 1 hour debate. Rogers also covered debates held in the community in Osgoode for the youth association and In Vanier among others. As a past Rogers production volunteer for over 4 years from 2006 to 2011, I know what a task it is for the Rogers management team to coordinate all the candidates and production resources to tape over 25 productions in such a short time frame, so the community they serve can have a better idea on who to vote for on election day. A key role of their mandate as directed by the CRTC license conditions.
This brings up the legitimacy of certain candidates. In almost every ward debate I have watched, and I have watched most of them to get other peoples ideas and ensure I have a good grasp on the issues that others feel important and are running for....or from, in this election I have over and over seen that in each ward there is 1 or 2 candidates that just have put their name forward to gain their 15 seconds of fame or advertise their down and out career in comedy or just wear their tinfoil hat or ghost buster power pack as was the case in the Bay ward debate with candidate Brendon Mertons.
I hope when the motion is passed at city council it is named after him or my fellow candidate in College ward Craig Macaulay who is running on a ZERO platform of money invested in his candidacy, ZERO money taken when elected and zero commitment to the position while in office....this is not a constructive use of debate time and detracts from the process. You can view his diatribe on the most recent Rogers Channel 22 debate on my website at www.guyannable.ca.
As a candidate in the College ward race I have spent much time and money on signs, flyers ads and distribution via Canada Post to get my message out. In the end probably in the range of five thousand dollars when all is said and done I have spent countless hours door knocking and will continue to do so until election day to get my message out to voters. I prepared diligently for the debates and researched many of the city facts needed to be credible in my assertions of city finances and to expand my own knowledge base for the job ahead, but most importantly to be seen as a credible option for voters to choose on October 27th.
So I am sure you are asking yourself, why would a council wannabe suggest to raise the registration fee for candidacy? Because it will get rid of the 100 dollar jokers and comedians and folks that do not take municipal politics seriously. The fee for council candidacy should be raised to $500 and for mayor it should be at least $1000. This will clean out the comedians and quacks who feel they can make their statement on TV or in the media with little regard for the political process and the credibility they suck from that process must change.
In addition, it will make for more meaningful debates. By getting rid of the comedians, we will see more debate time spent on thoughtful dialogue and exchange ideas with candidates that know how to speak in complete sentences and have a longer attention span than a hummingbird.
I hope Jim and company read and act on this submission in the upcoming 4 year term, I think it is all our best interests and for the interest of democracy. I hope Jim will also stop campaign contributions from corporations and unions, but will not hold my breath on that one, as they have all deferred to the province as being the masters of the Municipal Election Act, which is farcical, as they could easily pass a bylaw prohibiting it as Toronto did In 2009 with council voting 29-12 in favor of banning these questionable donations I will put my money on the first motion,
But seriously folks....lets start taking municipal politics seriously by weeding out the clowns and comedians that put nothing else in but their 100 bucks in yet detracting form the whole process of who and how we spend almost 3 billion of your tax dollars each year.
Guy Annable
Candidate For college Ward 8
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