Energy East Pipeline roadshow in north Grenville TCPL | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Guy Annable is a long time resident of College ward. He was born and raised in Ottawa and operated a successful wireless communications business in Montreal for over 12 years in the 1990's, receiving 2 awards form the St. Laurent Chamber of Commerce for "Best Retail Business" in the St. Laurent region. After the 1996 Quebec referendum, Guy sold his business to Bell Mobility and moved to Toronto to work with Bell Mobility Baka for 8 years in the same Industry of cellular communications. Guy returned ot Ottawa in 2005 and has been closely involved in municipal and provincial politics. Please visit my website for more information about me and my vision for College Ward.

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Energy East Pipeline roadshow in north Grenville TCPL

November 24, 2014

Well, I visited the TCPL " roadshow " in North Grenville at the municipal Center today to examine the reversal of flow of an existing pipeline form Gas to Oil and the adddtion of 106 Km of new pipe for oil from Iroquis falls to Hawkesbury along side the same line that has been there for 30 years. It does not present any real issues in my mind, does not seem too bad to me.

It will transport CDN oil to CDN refinieries that are currently refining Middle east Oil, so I take this as a positive, Our own oil refinied at our own faciclities, Suncor and Irving, 3 faciclities. The NEB process is 18 months, Ecology Ottawa has the opportunity to present its concerns within the process in this timeframe.

The project should be operational if the 18 month NEB application and approval process is successful the oil should start flowing in mid 2018. As well, I learned that there are 6 pipelines coming from Alberta already and the GAS pipeline that this pipeline is displacing will not affect gas supply and TCPl will be building a gas pipeline to ensure we have a supply of gas for Enbridge by 2018 also....

So, i Guess there is nothing to see here, the pipeline is not new, it follows and accompanies new pipe for gas ....and the overall benefit is we refine our own natural resource , not Saudi or muslim oil. The safety and cutoff and monitoring of this pipeline in my view will supplant Rail and the Risk that Rail transport of Bitumen presents in Canada.

TCPl stewardship of the Environment seems Okay, they had tables of info and ENGS and Environmental FOlks there to answer all my Questions, Very Slick ..... but what do you expect from a company that has a monopoly on Pipelines in is a huge Capital investment and I dont see any other company that can bring the resources to bear to get our natural resources to CDN refineries and to local markets...

I STILL DONT LIKE they took $1.2 billion of our Tax dollars for the re-siting of 2 gas plants and BOUGHT AND SOLD dalton Mcguinty like the cheap corrupt politician he is.... nobody would answer any of my questions about the Napaness Natural Gas Pipeline needed to power the plant that was resited From Oakvile......the coffee turned a bit cold when i started asking those questions