Environmental concerns: a budget priority | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Member of 350 Ottawa, a grassroots NGO aiming to fight further climate change.

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Environmental concerns: a budget priority

January 15, 2015

This is in follow-up to work done with Ward 9 candidates in the Oct 27, 2014 municipal election.

Jan 15, 2015

Hello Mr. Egli,

Budget discussions are soon underway.   The number of important issues in city politics is huge, but as a member of the Ward 9 team working with Ecology Ottawa, as you know, I’m particularly hoping for continued action that keeps our many environmental concerns firmly in mind.   The list, as you well know, is extensive and includes items such as:

— a transportation system that is managed with the aim of reducing overall emissions.

— building codes that aim for the highest possible energy efficiency 

— a commitment to strong urban forest management

— good storm and wastewater management

— a strong plan to handle emergency situations and long-term consequences of possible pipeline spills that could involve the Rideau and Ottawa watersheds

We’re all aiming for ‘the best’.   Your strong voice for these and other fundamental environmental concerns are always most appreciated.    

Thank you.

Larry Dobson