Green Party Ontario: Lower Donation Limits to Get Big Money Out of Politics | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Toronto, Ontario
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The Green Party of Ontario is independent yet is philosophically aligned with other green parties in Canada and around the world. The GPO is fiscally conservative, socially progressive and environmentally focused, and begins with the basic premise that all life on the planet is interconnected and that humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world.

The Green Party of Ontario (GPO) became an officially registered political party in 1983, and has been developing in size and sophistication since that time, expanding its membership and rising in the polls. We have increased the number of candidates in successive provincial elections. In the 1999 provincial election, we fielded 58 candidates, and became the fourth largest party in the province. In 2003, we fielded our first nearly-full slate, 102 out of 103 candidates, and received 2.8% of the vote. The 2007 election saw Ontario voters support Green Party values with unprecedented enthusiasm. The GPO, for the first time in history, had a full slate of candidates and garnered over 8% of the vote.

In the 2018 election GPO leader Mike Schreiner became the first Ontario Green to be elected to Queen's Park. The party now has two seats and polls between 4-8%. 

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Green Party Ontario: Lower Donation Limits to Get Big Money Out of Politics

October 5, 2016
TORONTO, Oct 5 - Lower donation and spending limits for political parties, says Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner.
“People with deep pockets can still buy access by donating far more than the average person can afford,” says Schreiner. “Instead of playing political games by banning corn roasts, the Liberals should simply lower donation limits to get big money out of Queen’s Park.”
The Green Party is calling on the government to lower donation limits to $300 each for parties, riding associations and candidates, which would cap donations under $1,000 per year. Currently, Bill 2 allows people to donate $3,600 to a party and its associations. 
Bill 2, Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016 contains many reforms that the Green Party championed. But Schreiner believes the bill needs further changes to ensure people can have confidence that government decisions are not driven by party fundraising. 
Lowering donation limits creates a more level playing field. It will accomplish this without needing the Liberal’s silly proposed ban on all MPPs and candidates from attending local fundraisers. 
The goal of election finance reform should be to stop cash for access through high end fundraising events that don’t pass the stink test. This does not require a ban on local corn roasts and BBQs that give an opportunity for voters to meet and talk with their MPP or candidate for a nominal fee.
“The Liberals need to stop acting like a petty child blaming others when their hand was caught in the cookie jar,” says Schreiner. “Instead, they simply need to deliver the reform people expect and our democracy needs.”
The Greens are also calling on the government to lower spending limits to the same as those in Quebec. Lowering spending limits to Quebec levels would reduce the amount of money a party can spend by around $1 million. 
“Lower spending limits reduces the pressure for parties to raise big money,” says Schreiner. “And an added benefit is that we will hopefully see fewer attack ads.” 
The Green Party is on a mission to bring honesty, integrity and good public policy to Queen’s Park. 


Media Contact: 
Becky Smit