Have you noticed? The days are getting longer. Soon enough, the snow will melt and - with a successful vaccine rollout - we may return to some semblance of a pre-pandemic "normal" by the fall. As public health guidelines allow, the Ecology Ottawa team will re-engage at neighbourhood events, doing the focused, community-driven work that builds power for lasting change.
Help make 2021 the best year ever for progress on local environmental issues. Click here to let us know about your priorities for 2021.
2021 has gotten off to a busy start. City council has forged ahead with a rushed urban expansion process despite profound community concerns. Consultations are now underway on the new Official Plan - a once-in-a-generation opportunity to embed climate considerations at the heart of urban planning. Meanwhile, our team has been gearing up to distribute thousands of trees, draw more attention to urban biodiversity issues, and work with communities to design walkable, 15-minute neighbourhoods. As we look ahead, we're wrestling with big questions on Ottawa's response to the climate emergency, our city's capacity to reboot transit post-Covid, and whether council will seize opportunities to make our streets healthy and safe for pedestrians and cyclists.
In short, there's a lot of work to do. We need your input to make 2021 a success. Click here to fill out the 2021 priorities survey.
Thank you for your commitment to a greener, better city.
- Robb, Erik, Jackie, Natasha, Velta, Emilie, Mike and the entire Ecology Ottawa team
P.S. On February 16th at 6pm we’ll be hosting a very special Valentine’s Day Edition of Trivia Tuesday. Test your knowledge of the birds and the bees. All ages and skill levels welcome! Click here to RSVP.
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