If It's Broke, FIX IT: A Report on the Money in Municipal Campaign Finances of 2014, prepared by Campaign Fairness Ontario, April, 2016
"Executive Summary:
What is Campaign Fairness?
Campaign Fairness Ontario is a not-for-profit organization that traces its beginnings to 2009 and was officially formed in 2014 to raise awareness about and to advocate for banning corporate and union contributions to municipal election campaigns.
Campaign Fairness Ontario is concerned with the troubling relationship between corporate funding and election outcomes in Ontario communities. We seek a level playing field for all municipal candidates by advocating for an end to corporate and union contributions to municipal election campaigns.
Currently Campaign Fairness is asking the Province of Ontario, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in particular, to ban corporate and union contributions to municipal election campaigns as part of their 2015-2016 review of the Municipal Elections Act.
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