Unpublished Opinions
His 2018 Book "About Your Financial Murder..." is found on Lulu.com http://www.lulu.com/shop/http://www.lulu.com/shop/larry-elford/about-you...
Investment Misconduct and Malpractice Analyst
Larry Elford is acclaimed as a qualified expert on the subject of White Collar Crime as it relates to the investment selling industry. He is a retired CFP, (Chartered Financial Planner), a CIM, (Certified Investment Manager) by the Canadian Securities Institute, a FCSI, (Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute), the highest designation awarded by the Canadian Securities Institute to those for top achievements in educational and industry accomplishments. He is also an Associate Portfolio Manager and Director of the Canadian Justice Review Board of Canada.
Larry worked inside the largest financial institutions in Canada for twenty years until his retirement in 2004. He works today writing, speaking and coaching Canadians on how to create safe and honest treatment for investors.
Larry Elford is also an author. He was included in John Lawrence Reynolds’ second edition bestselling book, The Naked Investor, Why Almost Everybody But You Gets Rich On Your RRSP and Bruce Livesey's 2012 book, Thieves of Bay Street, How Banks, Brokerages and the Wealthy Steal Billions from Canadians. He self-produced a documentary film, Breach of Trust, The Unique Violence of White Collar Crime, to benefit investors, legislators and those who investigate financial crime. It can be viewed on Youtube. https://youtu.be/k2K6pzFtyTU
Twitter: @RecoveredBroker
Facebook group for Fraud victims
Facebook group for Fraud victims across Canada (Small Investors Protection Association of Canada, 1998)
Video site for victims of investment malpractice
www.investoradvocates.ca research site
His first book is Titled "ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL MURDER..." detailing the extent of financial abuse of the public attributable to a "self" regulated investment industry.
His second book, published in April of 2020, is "Farming Humans" and is about "How to quietly strip America bare of the truth "all men are created equal”, found in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, in less than 250 years….http://www.lulu.com/shop/larry-elford/farming-humans/paperback/product-2...
A politician, a Securities Regulator and a disguised Lobbyist walk into a bar….no joke…just Financial Murder

I caught a recent article in the Winnipeg Free Press** about how investment industry persons were being rewarded with increased public credibility and immunity from prosecution...and I thought it was time to share a story about Financial Murder. Having just published "ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL MURDER..." in March of this year, it would be remiss of me if I did not at least make an effort to inform Manitoba citizens of the set of steps they are falling down...
The CBC National News from march 29, 2017 features as its lead story, the deceptions that Manitoba is in for, and has been under for decades: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6nWnwZ3bHI it is 3 minutes in length and is the opening story on the news this day.
** https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/search/?keywords=Manitoba+Finance+Mini...
March, 23, 2018
Winnipeg Free Press
Letter to Editor
I noticed that Manitoba’s Finance Minister Cameron Friesen, has recently granted immunity from prosecution and increased public credibility to a group which is 100% incentivized and rewarded not by public service, but by investment industry billionaires who may at times be taking advantage of the public. He has been deceived and duped just like Manitoba investors are deceived and duped.
The trouble is that he (Cameron Friesen) has simply taken at their word, the promises and platitudes of six-figure investment-industry-paid persons. This is a rather unskilled and dangerous move for all Manitobans.
Mr. Friesen granted immunity from prosecution and increased power to a group which has a long background of self-serving investment industry sinecure positions. I can say this having worked two decades in the industry.
Such regulatory bodies have for a decade or more, fostered the deception and exploitation of Manitoba investors in many ways. I will give you just one example of deception:
While 1794 investment persons in Manitoba have a proper “Adviser” (Advising representative) registration and duty, with the Provincial Securities Commission, most of these do not serve everyday mom and pop Manitobans, but serve high net worth investors and institutional investors.
Six times as many people, or 11,581 investment persons in Manitoba are commission salespersons wearing a clever disguise
“Dealing Representative” is their actual salesperson registration category today, and this was previously termed “Salesperson” in the Securities Act and by the Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC). The Manitoba Securities Commission has yet to inform ONE Manitoba resident of this change, or of the salesperson deception. The Finance Minister is likely also unaware of this deception. This is a second highly unskilled and dangerous risk for all persons in Manitoba to take.
The financial-exploitation risk to investors is that virtually none of those registered as sales agents, ever inform their customers of this commission sales role and license category. Even though it is required by law and industry rules. (fair, honest, good faith)
Virtually all “Dealing Reps” pretend be be “Advisers” or “Advisors” (or a few dozen other names) and try to dupe the public into belief that they are dealing with a professional, not a commission sales agent. This deception works perfectly to cause the public to hand over their trust…and their life savings.... This is contrary to misrepresentation laws of the Manitoba Securities Act, which the Manitoba Securities Commission and IIROC (or their predecessor the Investment Dealers Association IDA), have not enforced in my several decades of study.
Canadians can search registration categories for themselves at www.aretheyregistered.ca but be warned that the Commission wants to pretend to inform the public THAT their members are registered,...while cleverly hiding WHAT they are registered as...and what each registration category truly means to your money. I cannot make this stuff up...
Another risk which exploits not only Manitoba, but every procince in Canada and every state in the U.S., is that regulators fail to inform rthe public of the crucial legal and duty-of-care obligations between an Advising Representative (a true adviser), and a salesperson registered in the “Dealing Representative” category. They go out of their way to prevent Manitoba citizens from easily knowing this. They use confusion, over-complication, jargon and obfuscation to accomplish this. They also alter laws, exempt laws, and alter the wording on web sites to continually keep the public well confused, instead of well informed. The industry that pays their salaries (up to $700k) are thus getting two very useful handmaids for their dollars. Unfortunately the public is not being well served…but rather twice “deceived”.
Even though regulators, and your Provincial Commission, the MSC, have a “duty to warn”, a duty to inform, and an obligation to ensure investors are dealt with in a fair, honest and good faith manner, they fail and they have failed intentionally for decades. The cost to Manitoba is staggering, I can calculate costs on par with the financial drain of all measured criminal acts in the land…combined.
I hope that helps to visualize how Manitoba is being subjected to a hidden, pandemic of financial extraction.
I wish to have this letter published in hopes of giving investors a fair, honest and good faith chance for financial security. As it stands this is not the case, and your provincial finance minister/government is a key aid…
Larry Elford, Former CFP, CIM, APM, FCSI, retired
Lethbridge, Alberta T1K1N3 403 942-5071
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