Day of Action Against Fossil Finance: #RBCisKillingMe (Press Release) | Unpublished

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Carp, Ontario
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Roland (Rolly) Montpellier is the co-founder and Editor of Below2°C. He’s a climate activist, a climate communicator and a blogger. He’s a member of Climate Reality Canada, 350.Org (Ottawa), Citizens’ Climate Lobby (Canada) and climate ambassador for We Don't Have Time. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.

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Day of Action Against Fossil Finance: #RBCisKillingMe (Press Release)

October 25, 2021

We Demand that RBC Stop Funding the Climate Crisis and Stop Ignoring Indigenous Rights

Students, parents, grandparents, RBC clients, and citizens concerned about climate change will protest at RBC offices across Canada on Friday, October 29. The location in Ottawa is the RBC branch at 290 Sparks Street, between 12-1pm

RBC is the biggest funder of fossil fuels in Canada (5th in the world). It has poured over $200 Billion into fossil fuels since the Paris climate agreement was signed. RBC is also financing the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline on Wet'suwet'en territory, as well as countless other human rights violating and climate-wrecking projects worldwide. 

There is no longer any question. The UN. Is sounding the alarm as the climate crisis is intensifying daily. Much of the focus at COP26, which starts in a few days, will be on the role of finance in solving climate change. The UN is asking that financial institutions “align their portfolios with the Paris Agreement” in order to keep the warming of the planet at no more than 1.5°C.

Shamefully, RBC is stubbornly financing the climate crisis via its ongoing investments in fossil fuel projects — more so than any other Canadian bank. Further, these operations undermine efforts toward reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, as it ensures the perpetuation of colonialism — violations of treaty rights, Indigenous rights, and human rights.

Powerful banking institutions that claim to care about the climate crisis have an opportunity to be partners in building a sustainable future but choose instead to hide behind greenwashing announcements. 

We are a growing network of people committed to fighting the funders of climate chaos. We demand that RBC stop funding fossil fuel projects, cancel their support of the Coastal Gaslink Project on unceded Wet'suwet'en territory, and respect free, prior, and Informed consent of Indigenous peoples in all its financial practices.

The media has a crucial role to play in the war on climate change. First it can raise the level of awareness about the seriousness of the climate crisis, and secondly, it can help mobilize the Canadian public to call for bold and more ambitious action by political leaders in order to avert the calamitous effects of a worsening climate.

For interview requests, contact Rolly Montpellier at 613-899-8897 or by email at