Electric atmosphere in Brampton as Mulcair launches blistering broadside against Harper | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Electric atmosphere in Brampton as Mulcair launches blistering broadside against Harper

July 27, 2015

NDP leader Thomas Mulcair visits Brampton as part of his 'Tour For Change'.

A deafening drumbeat whipped an already fevered crowd into a roar as Thomas Mulcair strode upon the stage like a conquering general, surveying the orange-clad troops ranged before him.

The ‘orange army' seated before Mulcair was a typically Canadian mosaic united under the NDP’s banner, including Punjabi-speaking Sikhs, middle-aged Caucasians, and a smattering of Asians, all of whom waved orange banners in an atmosphere laden with adrenaline, sweat, and a driving faith that Mulcair may yet be 24 Sussex Drive’s next resident...

To read more, please visit http://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/07/26/news/electric-atmosphere-bram...