Greater Toronto Area eyes Ottawa Landfills to Waste! | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Lucie Regimbald's picture
Ottawa-Hull, Ontario
About the author

Lucie is a mother of three, grandmother of six, well known active member of the Carlsbad Springs community.  Concerned for the welfare of her granchildren, she's a member of the Carlsbad Springs Optimist Club (friend of youth), director with Carlsbad Springs Community Association and vice-president of the Capital Region Citizens Coalition for the Protection of the Environment (CRCCPE) which is currently fighting a proposed landfill by Taggart Miller in Ottawa's east end.

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Greater Toronto Area eyes Ottawa Landfills to Waste!

June 4, 2015

For the past three years, I have been a very active member of the Capital Region Citizens Coalition for the Protection of the Environment (CRCCPE), a non-profit community group dedicated to protecting our environment and opposed to the Taggart-Miller waste project.  "Dump This Dump 2" is our current campaign against the proposed waste project.  CRCCPE is committed to pursuing scientific and legal means of protecting the "selected" site as well as engaging in community awareness activities. 

Now is the time for evolution and new regulations.  Ottawa should set an example.  We don't need any more landfills in eastern Ontario.  We already have over-capacity.  There already are existing waste operators currently providing diversion and recycling services, who will dispose of residual waste in existing landfills.


June 4, 2015:

The Capital Region Citizens Coalition for the Protection of the Environment (CRCCPE), and the Citizens’ Environmental Stewardship Association – East of Ottawa (CESA-EO), would like to bring your attention to a York Region report entitled Residuals Management Strategy: The report describes York Region’s stance against more landfills in their jurisdiction, while suggesting other regions could absorb their waste instead. In particular, page 12 identifies existing landfills as well as applications for new landfills in the Ottawa area, including the Taggart-Miller CRRRC landfill proposed for East Ottawa, as a potential recipient of York’s waste. 

Ottawa and the Eastern Ontario Region currently have sufficient landfill capacity to meet local long term waste disposal requirements, but other areas such as the GTA and surrounding regions have a real need for additional residual waste disposal.  Are they looking at Ottawa to dump their trash?

The City of Ottawa’s Environment Committee met April 21, 2015 to discuss and approve staff comments on the Final Environmental Assessment prepared by Taggart-Miller for their proposed Ottawa landfill. The York Region Waste Manager attended this meeting and provided his support for Miller and their CRRRC landfill project.  Given the current waste problem in York Region, and the report cited above, it would appear they may have a vested interest in seeing the Taggart Miller Landfill in Ottawa move forward.

The City of Ottawa asked the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) to limit the catchment area for the Carp landfill expansion and this recommendation was ignored by the MOECC.  The same request to limit catchment area has now been put forward by the City for the proposed Taggart-Miller landfill.  Why would the City fare any better a second time around? 

Our Citizen Environmental groups know it is time to ask: will the City of Ottawa issue a clear statement indicating that we DO NOT WANT another landfill?

Welcome to Ottawa the Dump Capital of Ontario !!