In response to criticism of PM Justin Trudeau taking his son on trip to Europe | Unpublished

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Stittsville, Ontario
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In response to criticism of PM Justin Trudeau taking his son on trip to Europe

July 13, 2016

I am surprised that anyone would run for public life at the federal level, especially as they and their family are always under a microscope. 

Taxpayers dollars are sometimes misspent; however, in the scheme of things, the very small amount used when Mr. Trudeau's son accompanied him on his NATO visit was wisely spent. 

Fathers today are so much more involved with their children's lives. Justin Trudeau is sending a message that family is important. It shows that public life and family life can be balanced. It is a message to young people watching the videos of Trudeau and his son that history is important and that we need to remember what has gone before has an impact on where we are going in the future.

If we want the young people to become more involved in the world around them and less cynical, we need to connect with them. Demonstrating that politicians are also human beings with families is one way of doing that.

Linda Gilmour

Stittsville, Ontario