Kanata North: Community demands that cut forest be fully restored | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Retired economist (Ph.D., Berkeley, 1972) Co-founder (1997) and former chair of the Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital.  Wrote an annotated bibliography on what sustainability means for businesses (2009) -- http://web.ncf.ca/ct976/.

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Kanata North: Community demands that cut forest be fully restored

July 2, 2014

The Greenspace Alliance joins Councillors Wilkinson and El-Chantiry in decrying what happened in the week following May 26 in Kanata North when part of a woodlot on the property of Metcalfe Realty was clear-cut and shredded. A significant number of trees along the CN rail line were also cut in the same area, including as least one mature Butternut (Juglans cinerea) which is on both the federal and provincial Endangered Species lists. (CN reportedly denies being the culprit.)

"This is the third 'tree massacre' in Ottawa in recent times," said Erwin Dreessen, co-chair of the Alliance, "and this one is particularly egregious because it is in clear violation of the City's by-law on tree protection, and took place during the bird nesting season as well." Remedies for the tree by-law infraction may range from fines to allowing the forest to regenerate and/or engaging in reforestation.

A look at the attached aerial photograph easily suggests a motivation for the clear cutting. "Across the railway is another woodlot," said Judy Makin, former President of the local community association and member of the Public Advisory Committee for the development of a Community Design Plan for these urban expansion lands. "There is a large wooded area of about 10 hectares on this property, connected to the larger woodlot across the tracks. It would seem that the landowner wished to eliminate the connectivity between the two woodlots. Thanks to the Stop Work Order, the attempt failed."

The Alliance applauds the City for moving swiftly to issue a Stop Work Order and lay charges to be heard in Provincial Court and hopes that the maximum fine will be levied to send a clear message that this type of unauthorized action by developers and others will not be tolerated. "From attending meetings for the Community Design Plan, I knew this wooded area was to be evaluated to see if it should be considered part of the City’s natural heritage system," said Paul Johanis, who lives close to the property and was the first to hear chainsaws in action. "It would seem the owners set out to alter the existing conditions before this evaluation could take place, which does not seem like fair dealing to me.”

Members of the Public Advisory Committee have decided that at the next PAC meeting, now re-scheduled for later in July, there will be only one item on the agenda: Restoration of the forest. "Trust in the developer's honest dealing has been destroyed," said Ms. Makin "This illegal act has to be dealt with first and consideration of the community design plan must be put on hold."

Earlier, members of the local March Rural Community Association had expressed dissatisfaction with a report produced by the developers' consultant. "He didn't see anything significant in the woodlot" said Ms. Makin. "We have evidence to the contrary, including very significant cedars and evidence that it is wildlife habitat and a deer yard in winter as well as being an important ecological link between the South March Highlands and the Shirleys Bay Wetlands."

"The landowner should now lose the benefit of the doubt," said Mr. Dreessen. "The timing and location of the tree cutting suggest a deliberate attempt to affect the City’s evaluation. It should now be taken as given that these woodlots are part of Ottawa's natural heritage and need to be preserved, as the law requires."

Added Donna DuBreuil, President of the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre: "Developers should embrace the presence of such remnants of natural areas on their property. New houses need access to established forests and greenspace. Woodlots such as these enhance the attractiveness of the future subdivisions. It is short-sighted to want to get rid of them and believe that planting saplings and having mini-neighbourhood parks is all a new community needs."

The Greenspace Alliance was founded in 1997, works to preserve and enhance green spaces in the National Capital area, and engages with all levels of government. It believes that urban greenness is essential for a community's quality of life, contributing to personal, social, economic, cultural and spiritual well-being, and connecting us with the natural and cultural history of our region.


For further information, please contact:

Erwin Dreessen at 613.739.0727 or erwin_dreessen [at] ncf.ca or

Judy Makin at 613.592.7247 or Judy.Makin [at] opera.ncf.ca



Councillor Wilkinson spoke to the Ottawa Citizen on June 19, 2014

Councillor El-Chantiry spoke to the Kanata Kourier on June 26, 2014

A story on CBC News - June 19, 2014

CN's denial of culpability for the cut along the railway was conveyed to Judy Makin by Councillor El-Chantiry.

"The Case for Saving Natural Areas" by Donna DuBreuil and Judy Makin

Briefing note from the Office of the Mayor - June 13, 2014

Memo from John Moser to Mayor and Councillors - June 18, 2014

What happened in 2002/03 (Trillium Woods massacre)

Additional photographs, map and media coverage

Panoramic photo of the cut after May 26, 2014

Evidence of wildlife scat near the rail line

Woodlot S20, the connecting forest, and the rail line

Woodlot S20, the connecting forest, the rail line, and part of woodlot S23

A close-up of the cut in the connecting forest

Another close-up of the cut

The connecting forest

The future of these lands is in view

Map of natural features in urban expansion Area 1, showing property lines

Letter from Donna DuBreuil, published in the Ottawa Citizen of June 20, 2014