Let's make our voices heard - Ottawa says no to Tar Sands pipeline | Unpublished

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Unpublished Opinions

Ecology Ottawa's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Founded in 2006, Ecology Ottawa has grown to become the largest organization in the city focused on local environmental issues. The organization was created based on the belief that the City of Ottawa needs to become an environmental leader among Canadian cities. By increasing citizen participation in decisions that shape Ottawa’s environment, we can engage city council and encourage its improved environmental performance. Together we can bring our nation’s capital to the forefront of efforts to foster healthy communities and develop sustainable solutions.

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Let's make our voices heard - Ottawa says no to Tar Sands pipeline

September 26, 2013

Dear Ottawa residents,

We're just a few days away from the Rally on the Rideau River to keep the 613 Tar Sands Free, and I'm really excited.

Over 200 people have RSVPed online, we have an amazing lineup of speakers and artists, and just last night a dozen people came out to help make banners and placards for the rally. Over 2,300 of you have signed our petition. Our movement is growing.

This combination march/flotilla/rally represents the chance for us to send a clear message to TransCanada, to our elected officials, to everyone: We don't want tar sands in the Rideau River, we don't want climate change anywhere. Instead, we want to continue our hard work protecting the city's greenspaces and waterways, and want strong climate action, locally, provincially, and federally.

<< Please join us on Sunday, September 29th at the Rally for the Rideau River >>

  • Many of us will be meeting at 9:30am at Vincent Massey Park and walking 10km up the Rideau River to City Hall.
  • A number of us will be putting our boats in the water at 9:45am in Brewer Park, to paddle 5km up the Rideau River.  Please contact Ben if you'd like to join in.

We will all be arriving for the Rally at City Hall at 1pm, where we will have  live music, riveting speeches, and the delivery of the petitions we've signed - over 2,300 of us!

Speakers and artists include:

Ben Powless, Ecology Ottawa
Clayton Thomas-Muller, Idle No More
Andrea Harden-Donahue, Council of Canadians
Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada
Frances Deverell, ClimateFast
The Raging Grannies
The world debut of the TarFree613 song!

We hope to see you on Sunday!

Please share widely.

Ben Powless on behalf of Ecology Ottawa