Liberal Party: Facts Still Matter in Ontario | Unpublished

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Toronto, Ontario
About the author

Ontario Liberals have a long tradition of working to improve the lives of all Ontarians, from the party's pre-Confederation roots as a force for equality and democracy, to the Wynne Liberals of today.

The Ontario Liberal Party has its roots in the Reform Party of William Lyon Mackenzie and Robert Baldwin, who fought for real democracy in the 1830s and 1840s against the elitist, conservative rule of the Family Compact.

The party as we know it today was founded by George Brown - owner of the Toronto Globe and a key figure in uniting Upper and Lower Canada.

Today we continue on in the best tradition of the early party – whether investing in public health care to make wait times in Ontario the shortest in Canada, introducing the first full-day kindergarten to help both parents and students, or helping to make Ontario a North American leader in clean technology – attracting more, higher paying jobs for Ontario families.

The words of Liberal Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier a century ago ring true for Ontario Liberals today: “I am a liberal. I am one of those who think that everywhere in human beings, there are abuses to be reformed, new horizons to be opened up, and new forces to be developed.”

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Liberal Party: Facts Still Matter in Ontario

February 23, 2017

Patrick Brown did two radio interviews yesterday and by our count repeated 8 whoppers. We're here to correct the record (again!) because Facts Still Matter in Ontario.

He claimed: “You know, I look what’s happening to our hospitals… the cuts we’ve seen to Quinte healthcare.” (95.5 Hits FM)

Fact: Actually, all public hospitals across the province received an increase to base funding last year. In Quinte, that meant $5.9 M more for the Quinte Healthcare Corporation – a 4.4% increase. This means more funding for hospitals in Belleville, Trenton, Picton and Bancroft.


Fact: On top of that, we’re also providing over $6 M to help build a new community health hub in Trenton.


He claimed: “Let me just say the Auditor General’s assessment that you can’t raid pension funds, you can’t count it against your deficit was based on the 2011 agreement on public accounting” (CFRA)

Fact: The PC government in 2001 started this practice. Since 2011 the provinces books have been signed off on by the Auditor General 5 times including the current AG twice.Tricia O’Malley, Chair of the Independent Expert Panel and chair of the Canadian Actuarial Oversight Standards Council stated “From the accounting standards perspective, all that’s required is that these benefits from surplus can be reasonably expected.”


He claimed: “These are games, these are  accounting games and I think the public sees through it…This is not the opposition pointing out the government’s numbers don’t add up. These are the independent legislative officers who are calling the government out on this”(CFRA)

Fact: The FAO predicted we would balance the budget


He claimed: “it’s not Donald Trump making America great, it’s Kathleen Wynne” (95.5 Hits FM)

Fact: Ontario’s economy is growing faster than the United States


Fact: If we look at employment growth since 2009, Ontario has seen growth of (9.4%), with Michigan (8.8%), Pennsylvania (6.6%) and New York (2.4%) all trailing behind.

(Source: Statistics Canada, U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics and Ontario Ministry of Finance).

He claimed: “They’re also using the Hydro One fire sale money for it was supposed to be used for infrastructure, it’s being used as one time budget money” (CFRA)

Fact: This couldn't be further from the truth. Every dollar from Hydro One will be invested in new infrastructure projects like GO Regional Express Rail, Mississauga and Hamilton LRT’s and the new connecting links program.


Fact: It's actually THE LAW that all Hydro One proceeds ‎go towards infrastructure projects.


He claimed: “We have among the highest hydro rates in North America” (95.5 Hits FM)

Fact: No we don’t.


He claimed: “One, stop the hydro fire sale…we’ll lose future control of rate increases”(95.5 Hits FM)

 Fact: Energy rates will continue to be set by the independent Ontario Energy Board, who has a mandate to protect ratepayers.


He claimed: “We, we buy it [Electricity] and give it away at a loss, and sometimes we even pay them to take it,” And “She’s the one giving them free electricity” (95.5 Hits FM)

Fact: When the PC’s were in power, they spent $900 million importing electricity due to lack of supply. Given our current position of strength, Ontario is a now net exporter, benefitting ratepayers to the tune of $230 million in 2015

(Source: Independent Electricity System Operator)
