How many ways can we find to discourage people from using mass – hopefully rapid - transit ? Start with taking at least 10 years to complete the “new” LRT system, then add the fact that at least one of the proposed routes will skirt areas of high population density with large numbers of potential riders, and of course the yearly increases in fares that already reduce the number of regular riders. As if these weren’t enough. Now the news that yes, there will be toilets at some of the transit stations. But in this “user pay” obsessed city, they will be pay toilets!
Run in the National Capital marathon and there are free toilets along the route. Skate on the canal during Winterlude, and there are free toilets. But in the future, while using our billion dollar transit system, if you have to go? You have to pay. I know this will make many people think twice about using the proposed LRT. Seems like this mass transit plan is becoming a transit mess.
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