Minister Chiarelli, will you support re-opening the 'City of Ottawa Act'? | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Bill Toms's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
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BA (Honours Economics) MA York University
Federal Public Servant for 33 years at National Energy Board, Energy Mines & Resources (NRCAN), Bureau of Competition Policy, Environment Canada and Finance Canada. Retired in 2003 as Senior Chief Resource and Environmental Tax.
Currently Principal at ENTRANS Policy Research. See website for additional information.

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Minister Chiarelli, will you support re-opening the 'City of Ottawa Act'?

October 6, 2014

Dear Minister Chiarelli,

I was once told that while you were Mayor you had an understanding with the Premier of Ontario that the City of Ottawa Act would be reopened as soon as the City of Toronto Act was passed.  Is that correct?

The column in the Citizen this week about the LTT being collected in Toronto is an example of just one of the additional powers that can be used by Toronto but not Ottawa.

Would you support reopening the City of Ottawa Act in the new year if the new Council were to ask?

Bill Toms