Ottawa-Vanier By-Election: Green Party offers moderate alternative to Liberals | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Raphael Morin's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Raphaël Morin is a fluently bilingual geographer, environmentalist, activist and community volunteer.

As a graduate of University of Ottawa’s Environmental Studies and Geography programs, Raphaël recognizes the crucial importance of considering the long-term impacts of political decisions on our environment, our economy and society. Raphaël is an entrepreneur who works with maps and analyzes information through space to solve problems. He also volunteers with the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study, which provides data on strengths and challenges for each neighbourhood in Ottawa, to better understand how they affect our health and well-being.

Raphaël is a proud member of the Green Party of Ontario. He believes the Party’s vision for a sustainable economy, environmental preservation and social justice best serve the current and long-term interests of Canadians. Raphaël also shares the Green Party’s vision for increased investment in preventative health care, small businesses, and in a national housing strategy. Raphaël is committed to contributing to a healthy, diverse and resilient Ottawa-Vanier riding by representing the wishes of constituents.

The Green Party of Ontario is excited to have Raphaël Morin as our candidate in the riding of Ottawa-Vanier.


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Ottawa-Vanier By-Election: Green Party offers moderate alternative to Liberals

November 16, 2016
Dear Ottawa-Vanier Voters, 
Tomorrow is your chance to send a clear message to Queen's Park about the need for CHANGE. 
Despite many scandals, the Liberals have continued to abuse their privilege and the good will Ontario voters granted Kathleen Wynne two years ago. If the cancellation of the gas plants, Ornge and the many other scandals the Ontario Liberals have been embroiled in wasn't enough, nothing compares to privatizing Ontario Hydro without a mandate, and selling access to government through cabinet ministers. Nothing--because its corruption personified. 
But, a vote for the Conservative candidate won't send the right message. The Conservatives are well known for their extreme right-wing policies. Everyone remembers just how bad they were under Mike Harris' leadership. It was the Conservatives who first recommended privatizing Ontario Hydro, something Ontarians have never supported. Privatized hydro always leads to higher electricity prices because the companies have a monopoly. This isn't something the Conservatives will tell you.
The Green Party offers Ottawa-Vanier voters a moderate alternative to the Liberal Party. One that is grounded in honesty, grassroots democracy and the promise of long-term prosperity through sustainability. Only the Green Party has a plan to make Ontario sustainable--to balance the needs of all Ontarians in a way that builds strong, safe communities, and which emphasizes local governance, food and jobs.
Only the Green Party will ensure you have local food free of GMOs to feed your families. And, only the Green Party will invest in retraining and re-education programs to help everyone participate in the new green economy of the 21st Century. 
On November 17, I urge you to send a strong message of CHANGE to Queen's Park by voting for Raphael Morin, the Green Party candidate in Ottawa-Vanier, because there's only one Green Party if you want real change! 
To learn more about me and the Green Party of Ontario, please visit