Pierre Poilievre uniquely unqualified to be a Prime Minister | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Stefan Klietsch grew up in the Ottawa Valley outside the town of Renfrew.  He later studied Political Science at the University of Ottawa, with a Minor in Religious Studies.  He ran as a candidate for Member of Parliament for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke three times from 2015 to 2021.  He recently graduated with a Master of Arts in Political Science at the University of Carleton.

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Pierre Poilievre uniquely unqualified to be a Prime Minister

February 17, 2022

Photo credit to globalnews.ca. I do actually appreciate that Poilievre announced his leadership run in front of many books.

For those aspiring to the most influential office in Canada, there are a few distinct qualifications that are ideal or absolutely crucial.  Specifically, any Prime Minister of Canada should have a deep sense of maturity, self-awareness, and strong listening skills as he or she makes decisions critical to the well-being of Canadians.

Pierre Poilievre, the Carleton-riding Member of Parliament who recently announced his bid to become Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, is uniquely unqualified to become a Prime Minister, as he is distinctly lacking in the above qualifications.  Never-mind comparing him to Justin Trudeau or Jagmeet Singh, he is uniquely unqualified to become a Prime Minister compared to many other Conservatives.

For those with short memory, this is the same man who in 2014 introduced the Harper government's notorious "Fair" Elections Act, presenting the bill with an obnoxious tone intended to spurn the electoral interests of every opposition party.  After months of him trolling and mocking the critics of his bill, which eventually included just about every non-partisan expert on democracy in the whole country, Mr. Poilievre was eventually forced into a humiliating climbdown where he backtracked many provisions of the bill that had been subject to months of constant criticism.  He caused his party needless reputational damage and embarrassment that could have been avoided by practicing the most basic of listening skills.

Fast track to 2022, and his judgment and tact have not improved in the slightest.  He has voiced his full support for the lawless and harassing occupiers of downtown Ottawa, shamelessly attempting to disguise his support for insurrection as some kind of support for the working class. It is clear that he stakes out positions not based upon thoughtful and objective consideration of evidence, but rather based upon his interest in rallying the more mob-minded segment of voters and making life difficult for his political opponents out of spite.

Mr. Poilievre has always come across more like a snarky campus debate champion than like any kind of public policy intellectual, never-mind someone statesman-like enough to represent Canada on the world stage.  Yet his immaturity seems to be precisely what many Conservatives love about him.

If Conservatives were to elect Pierre Polievre as their leader for the next federal election, it would prove that they have learned nothing from their disappointing outcomes in the last three federal elections.  And, that they are unlikely to present a more adult-tempered tone in Canadian politics anytime soon. 

Stefan Klietsch
