Price of gasoline | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Rich McCarthy's picture
Nepean, Ontario
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Former Federal Government employee who has lived in Craig Henry for 30 years. If I wanted to live downtown, I would have bought a house there. Nepean is not downtown!

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Price of gasoline

August 31, 2013

In frustrtion over increasing gas prices, I wrote this email to my MP Pierre Poilievre today asking him to help consumers with the ever increasing price of gas.

Dear Pierre,

I know I have written to you many times on this and will continue to do so. The price of gasoline is getting out of hand. Sure blame it on the Syria crisis, etc., etc. Why should that effect us in Canada? Now the long weekend, another jack up of 0.04 cents bringing the price of gas at $1.40 per litre.

We are being ripped off royally, you know it, I know it and all of Canada knows it.

Sure the market is another excuse.

Your Government has the power to PUT A FREEZE ON GASOLINE.............

Rich in Nepean