Release of #Ottcity Water Rate study requested of Mayor Watson | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
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BA (Honours Economics) MA York University
Federal Public Servant for 33 years at National Energy Board, Energy Mines & Resources (NRCAN), Bureau of Competition Policy, Environment Canada and Finance Canada. Retired in 2003 as Senior Chief Resource and Environmental Tax.
Currently Principal at ENTRANS Policy Research. See website for additional information.

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Release of #Ottcity Water Rate study requested of Mayor Watson

April 30, 2014

Its been over a month since I wrote this letter. I have not received a response as of yet.

Dear Mayor Watson,

I would like to seek your assistance in obtaining information about water rate options in Ottawa.

In particular... Would it be possible for the City of Ottawa release a study without requiring a formal Access to Information request? The study was done at the taxpayer's expense for the City by a US based company Raftelis:

I believe that the problems/issues with our current water rate structure have not changed materially since the study was completed several years ago.

Perhaps Ottawa needs to revisit the water rate issue and/or have Mr. Hughes review the key recommendations?  I noticed that our current water rate structure has once again put us into a deficit position already this year.

Water rates may also be of interest to the ESAC where Councillor Moffatt is a member.  Councillor Hume is quite knowledgeable about this issue from his time as Chair of PEC.

Thank you for considering my request.

Bill Toms