Reversible lanes for Prince of Wales | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Bill Toms's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

BA (Honours Economics) MA York University
Federal Public Servant for 33 years at National Energy Board, Energy Mines & Resources (NRCAN), Bureau of Competition Policy, Environment Canada and Finance Canada. Retired in 2003 as Senior Chief Resource and Environmental Tax.
Currently Principal at ENTRANS Policy Research. See website for additional information.

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Reversible lanes for Prince of Wales

September 27, 2013

Dear Councillor Egli,

The Ward meeting was quite pleasant. Thanks for doing it at the Sportsplex and even getting the Mayor to talk about "dumps". Most of us waste lovers prefer less pejorative terms to that used to describe these vital parts of the waste
On another subject, I wonder if reversible lanes are worth the expense. The Portage bridge seems to work but they make you have at least three people in the car to use it. Has any thought gone into whether reversible lanes would be good on the proposed PoW expansion? That road is a parking lot morning and evening for Barrhavenites with one person per car being the norm. 

Instead of four lanes of traffic, could we have three lanes (with the middle lane being reversible) and two bike lanes as per the picture in the Ottawa Sun:
