“It is reckless for the Ford government to appoint someone who has publicly espoused climate change skepticism as recently as November of 2018 to the board that oversees Ontario’s electricity system.
We are facing a climate crisis that is wreaking havoc on our infrastructure. Yet, in a recent Toronto Sun column, Mr. Oliver dismissed climate change science, saying the need to reduce emissions is “grossly exaggerated or simply false.”
He also claimed that predictions of temperature warning and sea ice melt had not come true, contrary to everything we know from scientists. - https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/oliver-climate-change-alarmists-seriously-harm-the-economy
Ford’s efforts to sabotage climate solutions are now reaching into the highest levels of the regulators who will oversee the modernization of Ontario’s electricity system.
Yesterday in her scathing rebuke of Ford’s energy conservation cuts, the ECO called Ontario’s climate policy ‘very frightening.’ This appointment validates those concerns.
This appointment of an outspoken climate skeptic sends the wrong signal – that Ontario is closed for business to the clean energy systems growing around the world.”
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