So the City's preferred route is going to double in cost! | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Nepean, Ontario
About the author

Note to readers: Phil Brown passed away in November 2015. Please see his bio and letters he wrote on municipal affairs. Phil was a friend and mentor to UO President James O'Grady. He will be missed.


As President of Jackson-Brown Associates, Phil Brown has delivered a wide range of planning and project management services to non-profit, public and community service agencies and institutions.seeking to develop or otherwise acquire new facilities. He has worked with community health and resource centres and other community and institutional clients as well as non-profit and co-operative housing sponsors and government agencies.

Over the course of a career in development dating back to 1983, Phil Brown has developed more than 35 projects valued at over $175 million, comprising over 800 residential units and 400,000 square feet of institutional space. Previously, he has worked as a municipal planner and planning consultant and as a radio broadcaster.

He is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP), and full member since 1979 of the Canadian Institute of Planners and the Ontario Professional Planners Institute. He is also a licensed Real Estate Sales Representative with Coldwell Banker and presently Chairs the City of Ottawa Committee of Adjustment. He has also served on several community service boards of directors.

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So the City's preferred route is going to double in cost!

April 27, 2013

Ottawa Citizen Article 2013-04-27 "NCC demands could double west LRT tab".

Now that the cost of the City staff's preferred route looks about to double, maybe the "too expensive" Carling route can come back on the table for serious evaluation, unlike the previous cursory dismissal. Unlike Richmond, Carling can manage and would greatly benefit from the intensification that the LRT could bring. Also, on Carling, intensification could include commercial and offices, bringing jobs closer to where people live.

Part of the success of systems like the Toronto Subway is that new businesses and services locate around stations, encouraging employment growth across the urban area instead of concentrating it all downtown. Over time, more and more Barrhaven commuters may end up only commuting as far as Lincoln Fields, Carlingwood, or Westgate.

Thanks to the NCC, the City has one more chance to get it right.