The Ottawa convoy is not peaceful: Megalist | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Minerva's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

I am an Associate Professor of Ancient Greek Philosophy at the Dominican University, and also the Director of Graduate Studies of Philosophy.  I grew up in the Trend Arlington neighbourhood.  I currently serve as the VP of the Trend Arlington Community Association.  I am also a part-time musician, composer and performer.  

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The Ottawa convoy is not peaceful: Megalist

February 28, 2022

To anyone who isn't from Ottawa, 

Our lovely capital was recently assaulted. I'm certain there are many other ugly stories of the downtown tensions, but here is an alarming list of events that took place in Ottawa during those four weeks. 

The Ottawa convoy is not peaceful: Megalist

I recommend reading this (if you are not in Ottawa), with this drone footage on full volume, to get the full, horrible, experience.

This list contains exclusively incidents in Ottawa, and does not account for actions in other Canadian cities or at the border. Compiled through the efforts of one very tired downtown Ottawa resident.

See the embedded pdf below for the list, or read it on Google Docs at: 

*NOTE: Refresh the web page if the pdf doesn't appear the first time.