Vic Fedeli seeks transparency from Sousa on political fundraising | Unpublished

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Toronto, Ontario
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The Ontario PC Party is the Official Opposition in Queens Park, the home of Ontario's legislature.  Patrick Brown is the Leader of the Ontario PC Party, he was elected leader May 9 2015.  This is an outlet to share news and Press Releases to Ontario voters and Party Supporters.

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Vic Fedeli seeks transparency from Sousa on political fundraising

April 4, 2016

This is Ontario PC Party Finance Critic Vic Fedeli asking today in Question Period (April 4 2018) Ontario Finance Minister about his fundraising activities.

I (Vic Fedeli) stood in the Legislature today to ask the Finance Minister whether his fundraising was tied to obtaining a meeting, an approval, or policy change.

I join our Leader Patrick Brown in encouraging the Premier to change the rules governing fundraising.

When I first ran for Mayor back in 2003, here is what I said (under Campaign Reform) ...