Video: #ThanksLiberals | Unpublished

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Toronto, Ontario
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The Ontario PC Party is the Official Opposition in Queens Park, the home of Ontario's legislature.  Patrick Brown is the Leader of the Ontario PC Party, he was elected leader May 9 2015.  This is an outlet to share news and Press Releases to Ontario voters and Party Supporters.

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Video: #ThanksLiberals

October 6, 2015

The Ontario PC Party released a video highlighting the top 12 Liberal scandals and broken promises over the past 12 years.

October 2, 2015 marked the 12th anniversary of the Ontario Liberals being elected to office. 

“The Liberal record of scandal, waste and mismanagement started with Dalton McGuinty and continues with Kathleen Wynne,” said Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown.  “Whether it’s the doubling the province’s debt, unacceptable cuts to health care, or 4 OPP investigations, the Liberal trend of decline continues.”   

Leader Patrick Brown added, “Premier Wynne promised a more transparent and accessible government.  We thought she was going to be different.  But the truth is, the Liberals are just not in it for Ontarians anymore.”