Voted Strategically? Send this to your 'progressive' MP the day after Oct 19th | Unpublished

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Bowen Island, British Columbia
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Voted Strategically? Send this to your 'progressive' MP the day after Oct 19th

October 16, 2015

Our local potential Green MP was leading in the polls 3 weeks ago. The Liberals immediately started a campaign saying he did not have a chance of winning in our riding. We lost about 15% in a few days. Now we are 3rd in the latest polls. I am our door knocking and campaigning every day, and about 90% of the people at the door tell me "I would love to vote Green, but we have to get harper out". They all automatically presume that this means not voting Green. Many have already voted 'strategically'. Hopw can anyone claim to vote strategically and vote in the advance polls?  I am so frustrated because it's the same story in every election - the moment strategic voting happens (in my riding, always) the Greens lose out.  Anyway, I voted strategically in the last election, and Green in the advance polls this weekend. This morning I started going around to people with this letter I wrote...we have to hold their feet to the fire, or things will never change. Please copy and send, or write your own letter. 

To: _______________Member of Parliament,  House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A6

Dear MP _____________________Congratulations! I voted for you. I voted strategically. If you deliver on your promise to institute proportional representation in time for the next election, I may just vote for you again. Please do whatever it takes. Now let’s see what you’re made of ...

Sincerely, your humble constituent