Whistleblower scientist not entitled to get job back, court rules | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Editor of Digileak Canada, Executive Director of the Canadian Council on Food Safety and Health, videographer, singer, poet, gardner and avid cyclist.

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Whistleblower scientist not entitled to get job back, court rules

September 8, 2017

Whistleblower Dr. Shiv Chopra lost his appeal Wednesday, September  6th at the federal court in Ottawa in front of 3 female judges.

Reports from CBC and the Citizen are given in the link below.

Whistleblower scientist not entitled to get job back, court rules

Dr. Shiv Chopra has lost his 13-year battle to regain the Health Canada job from which he was fired in 2004.

The ruling came from the Federal Court of Appeal on Wednesday.

Chopra called it a "travesty of justice."

Chopra was one of three Health Canada veterinary scientists who spoke out in the 1990s about pressure from their bosses to approve drugs despite concerns about human safety. He and his colleagues, Dr. Margaret Haydon and Dr. Gérard Lambert, were eventually fired in 2004 for insubordination.

Aricles from CBC and The Citizen at link below.