Who are the Enbridge 21? | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Tar Sands Solutions Network's picture
Toronto, Ontario
About the author

Tar Sands Solutions Network is a growing international network of organizations including First Nations, environmental groups, landowners, farmers, scientists, community leaders, academics, and grass roots groups located throughout North America and Europe.

We represent a range of voices that are unanimously calling for a safe, clean energy economy that protects human and environmental rights.

Our focus is stopping the expansion of the Canadian tar sands and its infrastructure of pipelines and tankers, growth that is out of control and happening without consistent care, oversight, or debate.

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Who are the Enbridge 21?

May 27, 2014

Who are the "Enbridge 21"? Find out tomorrow, Wed. May 28th!
Join us in telling them not to gamble away B.C.'s future to Enbridge.