Unpublished Opinions
Wi Fi and Wireless Devices - Our Children's Futures at Risk

After learning that a cell tower was going up near the school where I worked, and hearing there may some cause for concern, I quickly learned that it was not only cell towers that were potential health hazards, but Wi-Fi, wireless devices, home cordless phones, baby monitors, Smart Meters and more.
I was shocked to learn that Wi-Fi and wireless devices are now classified as a class 2B carcinogen in the same category as lead and DDT. Upon further investigation, I found thousands of peer reviewed studies document health hazards such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, increased rates of tachycardia, increased rates of leukemia, autism, leakage of the blood brain barrier and multigenerational effects.
Concerned for the health of my students, I unplugged the Wi-Fi in my class to observe that many students quit complaining of symptoms that were widespread such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. One student who had such horrible earaches that he would go home crying on a regular basis, never had another episode all year. Reports I made of students experiencing adverse effects were repeatedly ignored by health ministers and Health Canada.
The hazards of wireless technology are now part of accepted medical education program across North America and Western Europe, and precautions need to be taken today to reduce exposure to microwave radiation and protect our children. Its time for the public to become educated on this issue. Other governments around the world are already taking action and it's time for people come together to advocate for much needed change. Teachers unions like the ATA, ETFO, the BCTF are advocating to protect teachers from microwave radiation. Who will advocate for our children?
See what's happening around the world by visiting http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/?page_id=128 and learn how to get involved with Canadians for Safe Technology, a National Organization led by Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada at www.c4st.org.
Wi-Fi and Wireless Devices – Our Children’s Futures at Stake
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
~ Nelson Mandela
In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a Press Release which re-classified the microwave radiation emitted from wireless technologies as a Class 2B Carcinogen, in the same category as lead and DDT. They stated “it is important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure.” Governments around the world are taking action recommending banning and removing Wi-Fi and wireless technologies from schools in order to safeguard their children and it’s time for us to do the same.
Shockingly, the hazards of wireless technologies are no longer opinion, but are now part of accepted medical education programs available as part of Continuing Education (CE) credits available for licensing across North America and Western Europe. How can we justify the continued use wireless technologies in schools, when physicians are learning they are harmful, especially without the informed consent of parents? It just doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t.
A report from the Standing Committee on Health entitled, “An Examination of the Potential Health Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation,” (2010) examined the safety of wireless devices and acknowledged some studies demonstrated negative health hazards including effects on brain function and possible effects on reproductive capacity. In fact, the Bioinitiave Report documents thousands of peer reviewed studies exist which document the adverse effects of wireless technologies. Effects of concern such as increased rates of leukemia, autism, leakage of the blood brain barrier, and evidence of multigenerational effects.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) reports that “Adverse health effects from wireless radio frequency fields, such as learning disabilities, altered immune responses, and headaches, clearly exist and are well documented in the scientific literature. Safer technology, such as use of hardwiring, is strongly recommended in schools.” Researchers report that about 3% of people suffer severe symptoms and up to 35% experience moderate symptoms such as chronic illness (Havas 2007). Alarmingly, the incidence of tachycardia in the Simcoe School District increased 46X once Wi-Fi was installed in their school district and now all their schools are equipped with defibrillators.
Teachers Unions including the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO,) representing 76 000 teachers, have already taken action passing resolutions regarding wireless technologies such as requiring routers to be labelled as part of a hazard control program. The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCP), representing 500 000 parents, passed resolutions calling for one school at each division level that is free of Wi-Fi, cordless phoned and cell phones and another which called for the Board of Education to cease the installation of Wi-Fi in schools.
With the growing body of evidence that calls upon us to take action, to continue the unfettered use of Wi-Fi in our schools is short-sighted and bordering on irresponsible. Simple solutions, such as turning off Wi-Fi routers off when not in use, as recommended by the Canadian Teachers Federation, would drastically reduce our children’s exposure and safeguard their health. Hard-wired connections should be available in schools for parents that are not willing to take an unnecessary risk with their children.
Students and required by law to attend school, and as such they deserve a higher level of protection. It’s time to make sure they get it. Teachers and school boards have the opportunity to enact change and have a collective responsibility to do so. They can clearly see the science and evidence presented and work toward making this a safer—and better —world to grow up in. And that means restricting cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmissions. Banning them outright would be the ideal.
What can I do?
Educate yourself.
1.Visit Canadians for Safe Technology, a National Organization headed by Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada at www.c4st.org
2. See what's happening around the world by visiting http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/?page_id=128
1. An Examination of the Potential Health Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiofrequency Radiation-Report of the Standing Committee on Health (2010) - Retrieved Feb. 4, 2014 p. 11-12
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