Israel | Unpublished


Letters For This Tag

Warren Kinsella
Warren Kinsella
JERUSALEM – One of the first things you notice about this country, when you come here, is the people. Not the beautiful sights, so much, these days. The people... more
May 11, 2024
Corey Gil-Shuster interviews Gen Zers from Israel as part of his Ask Project initiative to better understand how Israelis and Palestinians view each other. In... more
February 14, 2024
Human arms and hands with human rights slogans written on them: Freedom, Peace, Dignity, Rule of law, Prosperity
Human arms and hands with human rights slogans written on them: Freedom, Peace, Dignity, Rule of law, Prosperity
How can the Nazis’ fanatical hatred of the Jews be explained? Answering the question, Italian scientist, writer and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi said, “... more
January 23, 2024
Timing and context are relevant for persuasive or effective condemnation Morality and ethical behaviour in international relations are hardly ever black-and-... more
October 14, 2023