Paul Strome | Unpublished


Unpublished Opinions

Paul Strome speaks at a Blue Dot meeting

I want to praise Rankin Macdonald for his editorial in last week’s Oran titled “We’re a Sorry Lot...

April 9, 2024

Every scientific environmental indicator points to a continued warming of the planet for the...

March 4, 2024
picture of a globe being held up by young people with their hands meeting together

What many people have wanted to hear and see for decades is finally coming to fruition - and that...

December 24, 2023

Within my lifetime the human population has gone from a little over 2 billion souls in 1950 to a...

January 15, 2024
Actions speak louder than words sign

We have just lived through the hottest year ever recorded in human history with devastating...

January 22, 2024
Canada's Parliament Hill

A growing school of psychologists believe the trauma of the climate crisis is a key barrier to...

November 14, 2023