A new report on poverty challenges both Liberals and Conservatives | Unpublished
Source Feed: CBC News - Canada
Publication Date: May 26, 2024 - 04:00

A new report on poverty challenges both Liberals and Conservatives

May 26, 2024
The Food Banks Canada report usefully focuses political attention on a segment of the population that badly needs it. That presents an immediate challenge for the Liberal government — but the Conservatives are also challenged to explain exactly how they’d do things differently.


May 26, 2024

The Conservatives answer is always to reduce social programs and force people to work minimum wage jobs.  The real answer is a Guaranteed Annual (Livable) Income for everyone who needs it. Check out the piece I wrote for Unpublished Media on this topic: https://unpublished.ca/opinion/universal-basic-income%E2%80%94conservati...


Unpublished Newswire

Regions across southern Ontario are under a heat warning as "dangerously hot and humid" weather conditions are expected for most of the week, Environment Canada said
June 17, 2024 - 06:31 | Gabby Rodrigues | Global News - Ottawa
If you feel like everything keeps getting worse and your quality of life is increasingly compromised by annoyances great and small, I’ll wager that started in the early 2000s, around the time retailers introduced self-checkouts on a wide scale. The checkout has long been embedded in our retail model. You pick your goods from the shelves and visit a cashier who rings them up. You pay. You leave. With a drive to cut costs following the 2001 recession, supermarket chains began implementing self-checkout lanes in the United States and, soon after, in Canada. The technology promised a faster...
June 17, 2024 - 06:30 | David Moscrop | Walrus
Walk around Dutchie’s Hole Park in Sandy Hill and it won’t be immediately clear to you who this Dutchie is and where you can find his titular hole. The hole, it turns out, is a swimming hole — more accurately, a former swimming hole. Thousands enjoyed dipping into the Rideau River here until the city shut it down more than 40 years ago, along with other swimming spots at Brewer Park, Brighton Park, Brantwood Park and semi-official locations such as Remic Beach. With a growing population and hotter summers in Ottawa, should places like these be opened again for beach season? Read More
June 17, 2024 - 06:30 | Christina Spencer, Ottawa Citizen | Ottawa Citizen