The Drive for the Ontario PC Five: An Open letter to PC supporters in 5 Ontario By-Elections | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Rob currently works on Parliament Hill and is on the Centretown Community Association Board of Directors.  He writes regularly on his blog #RedHeartBlueSign at on lifestyle, political and personal topics.

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The Drive for the Ontario PC Five: An Open letter to PC supporters in 5 Ontario By-Elections

July 28, 2013

An open riding is a gift for opposition parties. For Ontario voters, Christmas came in July when Kathleen Wynne called 5 By-Elections for Liberal held ridings to take place August 1st. We are in the last four days from today (July 28th) for all parties to canvass those undecided voters and to make sure supporters know where to vote and make sure they get out and vote.

This is the week of the Drive for the Ontario PC Five.

I won’t get into polls and the results that have been reported, they have been motivation for our PC Candidates and their teams to work harder, reach more people and prepare better for Election Day. Make no mistake though, the polls numbers will also be motivation for the other parties and candidates to prove the numbers wrong. Our candidates need you to prove the momentum to elect Ontario PC’s is on track.

Ontario PC’s have a unique chance to make a statement to Premier Wynne and Former Premier McGuinty that we have had it – and change is coming. These by-elections are only the first step!

Rather than spit out more motivational statements to get you out to canvass, volunteer and VOTE I will provide you with the information you need to help you help the Drive for the Ontario PC Five:

In Ottawa South to help Matt Young replace Dalton McGuinty as MPP:
Phone: 613-604-4564

To help Doug Holyday take Etobicoke-Lakeshore:
Phone: 416-364-2800

To elect Ali Chahbar in London West:
Phone: 519-601-3575

To have Ken Kirurpa elected in Scarborough Guildwood:
Phone: 416-294-9322

In Windsor Tecumseh to have Robert de Verteuil elected:
Phone: 519-962-9098

Use the information provided above to send a message to the Liberal Government that as Ontarians, we have had enough of Liberal mismanagement of our government and finances.

Thursday I will be out working for Matt in Ottawa South and then I’ll be attending to an Election Night event looking for good results and five new Ontario PC MPPs.