We need to reboot the public square and the instruments of government. A compact, efficient city with a well-organized transportation system and a light environmental footprint is cheaper to run and easier to maintain; the very elements that make our cities more sustainable also make them creative, innovative, healthy and prosperous. We need leaders who understand the changing landscape and inspire a shift to a mindset necessary to transition our local governments effectively.
Please join us for a facilitated discussion about what urban planning should look like in a New Ottawa (it's a free event). Your feedback will contribute to our New Ottawa Plan: a shared vision about the future of downtown Ottawa and a practical road map for change.
Date: Saturday, April 26th
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (coffee/tea served from 11 - 11:15 am)
Location: Ottawa Public Library (Main Branch), 120 Metcalfe Street
Room: B-125 (downstairs, next to the auditorium)
Please RSVP: martin@martincanning.ca (simple as replying to this email)
For more about our campaign or to provide your feedback directly to us please visit www.newottawa.ca.
Thank you - hope to see you soon,
PS: Look for live tweets from @newott using the #newottawa hashtag!
Martin Canning
Candidate, Somerset Ward
Candidat, quartier Somerset
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