I am always happy to hear good news, but ONLY if it’s anyone except Kathleen Wynne, Bob Chiarelli or any other Liberal Minister giving the good news. Their brand of good news always seems to take money out of my pocket. Their Good News/Bad News announcements are getting to be too much for Ontario taxpayers
The Liberal Energy Minister last week shared a plan to ‘save’ Ontarians a few bucks in hydro costs.
His plan includes:
Good News: Ending the hydro “debt retirement” charge.
Bad News: It should have been removed 4 years ago. We’ve paid millions that should have stayed in our pockets.
Good News: The Liberals are launching a program to help low-income families lower their costs for Ontario’s unaffordable hydro.
Bad News: To help pay for the hydro discounts, all other hydro users will have an increase in their hydro bills of an additional $120 a year – or $10/month!
Bad News: This increase is on top of previous increases already announced
Bad News: Hydro is STILL unaffordable for low income families.
It is not only the Energy Minister that is using good news to shadow the bad news.
Good News: Whales are now protected in Ontario
Bad News: Liberals that want to run in a by election are still unprotected and prone to bribe offers
Good News: The Ontario Deficit is down to $10.8 Billion
Bad News: The government is still spending almost $30m a day with money its doesn’t have
Bad News: There are NO plans to reduce government spending, the Liberals are still counting on a balanced budget by 2017-18
Good News: Those that can’t afford to save for a pension will have one with the Ontario government
Bad News: Those that can’t afford to save for a pension will now have MORE money taken off their pay so they can have a pension when they retire
Ontario cannot take any more news from the “Bad News Bears” in Queens Park. 2018 can’t come soon enough for Ontario and its taxpayers!
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