MP Anita Vandenbeld To Host Town Hall June 4th | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Member of 350 Ottawa, a grassroots NGO aiming to fight further climate change.

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MP Anita Vandenbeld To Host Town Hall June 4th

May 31, 2016

350 Ottawa, a local grassroots environmental group, is encouraging members of the public to attend these Town Hall meetings and provide suggestions for how we can best fight climate change.

On Saturday, June 4th, Anita Vandenbeld, MP for the constituency of Ottawa West-Nepean, will be hosting a Town Hall to share ideas about what governments and individual can do to reduce and adapt to climate change.

Liberal MPs from across Canada have been mandated to gather ideas from the public on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, launch clean technology and job creation, prepare for the impacts of climate change, and how best to put a price on carbon.

Town Hall meetings are underway and from Vancouver to the Maritimes the turnout has been overwhelming. Canadians from coast to coast are well-aware of the extreme events taking place around the world as a result of climate change and are rallying to meet the huge challenges.

Reports indicate that ‘in the York region, just outside of Toronto, the climate consultation was one of the largest town halls the community had ever had. In Winnipeg, at a consultation hosted by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, the venue was so far over capacity that dozens of people, including the Minister herself, couldn’t find seats!’

This is a time for us all to be a voice for a better future. Mark your calendar and join others for this important event:

Where: Saint-Paul High School, 2675 Draper Ave. in the Amphitheatre Room

When: Saturday, June 4th, 3:30 to 5:30 pm

See the Facebook page for the event here.